Choose from our growing professional networks. Join our annual conference. Read Working lives in Scotland, our analysis of local job quality. Take part in our learning events, campaigns and employer surveys. Keep up to date with our policy documents and research.

Come along to our events

Annual Conference

Our conference is the biggest annual HR conference in Scotland.

The 2025 conference will take place on Thursday 20 March at the EICC in Edinburgh.

Look out for details in the autumn. 

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Discover more events across Scotland

Upcoming events include:

  • Independent Consultants Network: Wellbeing and mental health - key to a successful business. Wednesday 1 May, 11:00-12:30 online
  • Senior People Professionals Network: Leading neurodiverse teams. Tuesday 4 June, 12:30-14:00 online

Join one of our networks in Scotland

Scotland Public Policy Forum

This forum, open to members and non-members, brings together people professionals with an interest in helping the CIPD to influence public policy. We consult and engage with policymakers on workplace practices by sharing our insights and analysis on labour market trends. 

Get in touch if you'd like to join this forum

Senior People Professionals Network

This peer-to-peer network brings together senior HR, L&D and OD professionals from across Scotland to network, learn and debate key issues affecting our profession and the future of work. This network is open to members and non-members. 

Get in touch if you'd like to join the senior people professional network

Independent Consultants Network

This network is open to anyone in Scotland working as an independent HR, L&D or OD consultants. Our online and face-to-face events provide an opportunity for self-employed people professionals to network and learn from one another. 

Follow us on Eventbrite for details of our next event for independent consultants

Scotland Employee Relations Network

This network brings together senior in-house employee relations professionals from different industry sectors across Scotland to connect regularly to share ideas, thoughts and learn from our collective experience.

Get in touch if you'd like to join the employee relations network

Our local branches

In addition to our nationwide networks, four volunteer-run branches across Scotland deliver local events, learning opportunities, professional networks and special interest groups. The branch committees collaborate with the CIPD team to shape our national conferences, identify opportunities and act as an advisory board to ensure everything we do in Scotland is relevant and impactful.

Find your local branch

Learn about our work

Thought leadership and resources from our team in Scotland.

Understanding older workers

Analysis and recommendations to support longer and more fulfilling working lives

Putting people professionals on the road to net zero

Insight from senior leaders on how they have led responsibly and maintained trust and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

How we influence public policy in Scotland

Meet the team

Lee Panglea, Head of the CIPD in Scotland and Northern Ireland

Lee is responsible for promoting the CIPD as the indispensable voice in people and development, and a career partner to around 15,000 members across both nations. Her focus is on building relationships with key stakeholders, including local public policymakers, HR leaders, employers, strategic partners and business communities to encourage key contributors in the world of work to value people and development as indispensable to better work and working lives.

With over 25 years of commercial experience across the consumer, retail and professional services sectors throughout the UK, Lee brings significant personal experience of the world of work to her current role. Since joining the CIPD in 2013, Lee has developed expert knowledge in all areas of HR and the people profession. She regularly speaks on platforms, chairs conferences and judges on regional HR awards.

Marek Zemanik, Senior Public Policy Adviser, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Marek leads our public policy work in Scotland and Northern Ireland, focusing primarily on fair work, skills and productivity. 

He writes our annual job quality report, Working Lives Scotland, and has written several policy and research reports around skills and the labour market in Scotland and Northern Ireland. He provides evidence to Parliamentary and Assembly committees, responds to government and executive consultations and inquiries and engages with ministers and civil servants.

Before joining the CIPD, Marek spent nearly a decade working at the Scottish Parliament as a political adviser responsible for policymaking across devolved areas of public policy. He has written several election manifestos, dozens of policy papers and coordinated a series of independent policy commissions.

Gordon Smith, Engagement Manager, Scotland

Gordon is responsible for building relationships and connecting with CIPD members and organisations in Scotland. This includes running networks, including the Senior People Professionals Network and the Independent Consultants Network, helping CIPD members in Scotland build a supportive community of peers.

Gordon came to the CIPD from the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) where he ran ACCA’s communities in Scotland, specialising in Financial Services.  He also holds qualifications in counselling and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and has worked as a volunteer counsellor.  

Vivien Struthers, Senior Employer Solutions Manager

Vivien’s passion is unlocking the true potential of individuals and the companies that they work for, which is why she loves her role as Senior Employer Solutions Manager for the CIPD in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Working directly with organisations, Vivien partners with clients to build the capability, impact and credibility of their HR and people functions in order to deliver business outcomes.

Having held multiple senior roles specialising in people development and organisational change, Vivien brings her extensive experience, expertise and energy to this role.

Whether it's establishing what good looks like, assessing current capabilities, providing industry-leading people development programmes, professionalising the people function, or becoming organisationally recognised as a CIPD People Development Partner, Vivien is the person to speak to.

Who we’re working with in Scotland

Apt - Disability Employment Gap PSP

This Public Social Partnership, established by the Scottish government, has responsibility for developing, testing and implementing solutions to the barriers employers face in hiring and retaining disabled people. Our overall ambition is to at least halve the disability employment gap by 2038.

Fair Work Convention Strategic Partnership

Working to ensure fair work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for all individuals, businesses, organisations and society across Scotland. Together we’re delivering improved practice by successfully embedding the dimensions of fair work within Scotland’s workplaces.

Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE)

The Scottish Government's initiative dedicated to helping individuals and employers with the advice and support they need when faced with redundancy. We support PACE through our network of people professionals in organisations of all sizes across the public, private and third sectors.

Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board (SAAB)

An independent, industry-led body which ensures apprenticeships are demand-led, fit for purpose and future-orientated. SAAB is made up of leading employers and industry bodies across a range of sectors.

Stay connected with our community in Scotland

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Championing better work and working lives

About the CIPD

At the CIPD, we champion better work and working lives. We help organisations to thrive by focusing on their people, supporting economies and society for the future. We lead debate as the voice for everyone wanting a better world of work.