I decided to pursue CIPD Chartered membership through Experience Assessment because professional accreditation is important if you want your skills to be recognised.

Anadita Srivastava, Chartered MCIPD - Senior Manager Human Resources, WebMD

Anandita’s story

Becoming a Chartered Member through Experience Assessment gave Anandita the confidence to move onto another role after 12 years with her previous employer.

She says, 'Going through Experience Assessment helped get me out of my comfort zone. It’s been really beneficial for me.'

'Gaining a professional accreditation has definitely advanced my career prospects. I am now approached by a lot of recruiters or agencies with further opportunities. CIPD Chartered membership has really made an impact on my career.'

'The great thing is it’s all about what you have already achieved; Experience Assessment actually leads you through your own work journey. The most difficult part when completing the process was sticking to the word limit! I also had to choose just two people as my references – a bit of challenge when you’ve worked with so many people.'

'One of the best things about Experience Assessment is taking a recap of who you are and what you have achieved.'

Anandita’s CIPD membership hasn’t just improved her credibility with colleagues and raised her profile within the industry. It’s also given her access to valuable resources at the CIPD website, along with professional support from the CIPD online community.

Anandita feels she can now walk into a client or employer meeting with confidence, knowing she’s immediately recognised and accredited for her professional skills. She laughs, 'I had a great moment recently, meeting a client who said ‘Oh you’re MCIPD! I've been trying to do that for ages’ now she's going to come and see me to find out how I did it!'

Anandita was able to gain CIPD accreditation through Experience Assessment after calling the CIPD for advice. It was a vital step in building her career through her existing skills. She says, 'Not going back into the academic world and doing this through my own work was something that encouraged me to go ahead.'

She says, 'I would definitely recommend Experience Assessment. It helps you to identify your strengths in a different way.'

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Laura wanted to take the next step up in her successful career. Becoming a Chartered Member supported her ambitions.

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When Barbra moved to a more global role, she wanted professional recognition for her years of experience in equality and inclusion.

Register for the CIPD Experience Assessment

Everything you need to know about registering to apply to become a CIPD Chartered Member through our experience assessment. Find out more with CIPD today.