Engage for Success is a not-for-profit, voluntary movement which was launched by former Prime Minister David Cameron in 2011 with sponsorship from senior chief executives across the private and public sector, specifically to raise awareness and understanding of engagement in the workplace. The CIPD has been championing employee engagement for many years, working to develop HR capabilities and practices in support of this goal and seeking to influence wider policy and thinking through research and collaboration. Both organisations have shared ideas and networks in the past, but are today announcing their intent to come together and form a closer partnership in order to progress the employee engagement agenda.
Peter Cheese, Chief Executive of the CIPD will assume the role of chairing the Engage for Success Board and comments on the collaboration: “In today’s fast-changing and uncertain world, for any organisation to survive and thrive, it needs to be able to get the best from its people. People are at the heart of any business and to give their best they need to be motivated, properly supported and trained, aligned with the purpose of the organisation, committed to its success and confident about the future.
“However, all evidence – from productivity figures to employee engagement levels – suggests there is still much work to do. In the face of concerns about well-being at work and a changing world in which the very nature of work itself is changing, now more than ever is the time to engage with our workforces and create cultures and businesses that not only perform better, but also do the right thing by their people.”
The new relationship between the CIPD and Engage for Success will help to ensure that the momentum that Engage for Success has already built is resourced, sustained and can grow as a movement. The CIPD will, in turn, benefit from the energy and reach that the movement brings to the wider community, continuing to grow its voice in debates about the future of work and the policy, political and organisational frameworks needed to support and encourage this.
David MacLeod, Founder of Engage for Success, comments: “The new world of work requires new ways of thinking and this has to start with how organisations engage with their employees. We believe that there is a better way to work, a better way to enable personal growth, organisational growth and ultimately growth for Britain by releasing more of the capability and potential of people at work.”
Nita Clarke, Founder of Engage for Success, adds: “We are excited about the opportunity to work more closely with the CIPD to further this cause and build better, more engaged workforces that put people first. Through its sponsorship, the CIPD will help us to further equip organisations with the practical tools and ideas they need to take action, and we hope to more inspire people to get involved in our movement as it grows in the UK and internationally.”
Engage for Success is supported by a taskforce with representatives from central and local government, as well as leading UK corporations, and has built a network of local employee engagement practitioners across the UK and strong lines to thought leaders and academics.
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