The annual CIPD Good Work Index gives valuable insight into job quality in the UK. Each year, we survey more than 5,000 workers across the UK on seven dimensions of job quality and produce a series of reports that take forward the findings of our CIPD Good Work Index surveys.

But who are the people behind the statistics and the headlines of the reports and what is the real experience of workers across the UK?

Good Work Stories, a series of case studies linked to the CIPD Good Work Index, bring to life our survey findings by sharing the views and experiences of people in different professions across the UK. Now in their second year, the stories help shine a light on what ‘good work’ looks like.

This year, we commissioned a total of 11 stories, all of which include ‘thinking points’ for people managers. These thinking points help people managers embed the learnings of the stories and give insight on how to improve job quality.

‘My role is a very varied and quite fulfilling because it's helping people at a time when they are under stress. You’re dealing with people at a very vulnerable stage of their life, so you’ve got to be aware of their needs, but I can find it emotionally draining because if I see people crying, I want to join them".

Funeral Operative

Our 11 case study subjects this year are:

•    Audio Equipment Engineer
•    Care Worker
•    Contact Centre Advisor
•    Funeral Operative
•    Musician
•    Nutritionist
•    Parish Clerk
•    Police Officer
•    Prison Treatment Manager
•    Project Manager
•    Warehouse Team Leader.

‘Work is where I get a lot of my fulfilment and it brings out many positive emotions. However, it’s also very demanding. I can ride on the high of a good day for a week, but a bad day can be devastating and demoralising.’

Prison Treatment Manager

Read all of this year's stories

Good Work Stories 2023

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Case study
Good Work Stories

Read our case studies from different people in different professions to understand how we can make work better for everyone.

CIPD Good Work Index

The CIPD Good Work Index provides an annual snapshot of job quality in the UK, giving insight to drive improvement to working lives

Job quality resources

Discover our insights into the characteristics and benefits of job quality.

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Championing better work and working lives

About the CIPD

At the CIPD, we champion better work and working lives. We help organisations to thrive by focusing on their people, supporting economies and society for the future. We lead debate as the voice for everyone wanting a better world of work.