UK EU Referendum
The CIPD responds to EU Referendum ‘leave’ decision and what it may mean for the world of work
The CIPD responds to EU Referendum ‘leave’ decision and what it may mean for the world of work
“Now that the people of the UK have had their say on the UK’s future relationship with the EU and voted to leave, it’s important that Westminster, the devolved administrations and businesses take time to properly assess the long-term impacts of any decisions that they take going forward.
“The impact of a ‘leave’ vote is much bigger than simply changing the political landscape. It stands to have a significant impact on the world of work and future operations. We need a broad and thorough consultation between government, organisations and employees across all sectors and representative bodies. The CIPD will play its part in these necessary consultations, drawing on our strong base of evidence and experience of the world of work. It’s important that the Irish Government takes the time to really understand the impact of any proposed changes and works with businesses to minimise the risk to individuals, organisations and the economy.
“For most businesses, the immediate impact of this historic decision will take time to be understood. However, employers will need to be conscious of changes that may affect their ability to bring in and retain the right skills for their business. In the short-term, we will need to work with colleagues in Northern Ireland to begin to navigate the complex people and labour market issues that will arise in this new era.
“Alongside the significant technicalities of a re-negotiation of a new relationship between Ireland and the UK, as well as between the UK and the EU, it is vital for the Irish Government to continue to work with all constituencies on the very real and strategic challenges that this result could lead to.”
The CIPD will be engaging with its members and key stakeholders over the coming days and months to explore what impact the decision will have on people management in the workplace.
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