On 16 November 2017 we signed a mutual recognition agreement with IHRP. This signifies a strategic partnership to globalise and build a borderless HR community. CIPD and IHRP share a common vision to develop HR professionals who are future-oriented and possess a global mindset, able to embrace change and diversity to unlock the potential of people and enable businesses to adapt and transform. Both organisations are committed to enable support the growth and mobility of HR professionals, as well as the sharing of knowledge and collaborations to promote the professional standing of HR.

As part of the CIPD and IHRP partnership, HR Professionals can enjoy mutual recognition through the respective bridging assessments.

How the partnership benefits you

  • Mutual Recognition: Attain mutual recognition from both professional bodies with a simplified requirements pathway.
  • Continuing professional development: Gain access to both CIPD-IHRP communities, and embark on a lifelong learning and career development journey.
  • Exclusive activities: Be the first to hear about and engage in exclusive CIPD-IHRP workshops, events and networks.
  • Joint research: Contribute to thought leadership, CIPD-IHRP research projects and future insights for the HR profession.

Assessment methods

How to become an Associate CIPD Member if you are a Level 1 – IHRP Certified Professional

Assessment method: 90 minute Professional Discussion (Skype), using competence based questions on knowledge and behaviour. Rating Sheet completed by assessor, verified by CIPD. Very short summary feedback to candidate (no actual report)

Cost to IHRP candidate*: S$650

How to become an Associate CIPD Member if you are a Level 2 – Senior Professional or Level 3 - IHRP Master Professional

Assessment method: IHRP Level 2 and 3 automatically qualify for Associate CIPD Membership by submitting a CV and proof of IHRP certification

Cost to IHRP candidate*: Assessment fees and joining fee are waivered when you pay for 12 months' Associate membership with CIPD

How to become a CIPD Chartered Member if you are a Level 2 – IHRP Senior Professional

Assessment method: Pre Assessment Discussion and a 2.5 hour Professional Discussion (Skype) using competence based questions on knowledge and behaviour

Cost to IHRP candidate*: S$2300

How to become a CIPD Chartered Fellow if you are a Level 2 – IHRP Senior Professional

Assessment method: Pre Assessment Discussion and a 2.5 hour Professional Discussion (Skype) using competence based questions on knowledge and behaviour

Cost to IHRP candidate*: S$2800

How to become a CIPD Chartered Fellow if you are a Level 3 – IHRP Master Professional

Assessment method: 2 hour Professional Discussion

Cost to IHRP candidate*: S$1000

* Note: CIPD joining and membership fees are applicable.

How to apply

IHRP Certified Professionals

If you are an IHRP certified professional and would like to benefit from mutual recognition, you will need to send your up to date CV and proof of your IHRP certification to memupgrading@cipd.co.uk. The CIPD will then be in touch to arrange a pre-assessment conversation with you.

CV guidance

To enable us to give you advice on your eligibility please ensure that your CV covers details of the following:

  • Employment dates and timeframes
  • Your current role including key accountabilities, responsibilities and achievements which demonstrate the scope and scale of the projects you have worked on. If you are a consultant please include information about the roles undertaken/projects covered with the clients/organisations you work with
  • Previous roles and organisations you have been employed by, or organisations you work with as a consultant, particularly focusing on the last three years.

CIPD Members

If you are a CIPD member and would like to benefit from mutual recognition, you will need to submit an application form to IHRP. They will then contact you to arrange a pre-assessment touch point (30 – 45 min) to verify and evaluate the IHRP Certification level which you are eligible for.

For more information and to apply for bridging please visit www.ihrp.sg/cipd.

Associate Member (Assoc CIPD)

For people professionals whose work is operational with some complexity: you’re beginning to contribute your thinking to people issues and solutions..

Chartered Member

For people professionals who work strategically and operationally with some complexity. You’re actively driving and managing change to meet your organisation’s needs

Chartered Fellow

For people professionals who combine strategic insight and people expertise with commercial acumen, to change the way organisations think about their people.