Employment regulation and the labour market
A comparison of the UK's employment rights framework with that of other OECD countries
A comparison of the UK's employment rights framework with that of other OECD countries
How does the UK’s employment rights framework affect labour market outcomes, and how does the UK compare with other countries?
The CIPD commissioned The Work Foundation to conduct an analysis of employment regulation in OECD countries, to inform the debate about the extent to which the UK employment rights framework provides the right balance in providing flexibility for employers and job and economic security for individuals.
The report found no overall advantage in weak or strong employment protection when looking at broad labour market measures. As the UK already performs well in comparison to many of its peers, there is unlikely to be much benefit in further regulation or deregulation of the labour market. Instead, the CIPD is urging policy-makers to focus on better workplace practices to improve productivity and to address the issues of low pay and employment for young people.
Download the report below
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