The movement of labour, products, services, and knowledge continues to develop across international boundaries. Key drivers include the continuing popularity of offshoring, the expansion of supply chains, and the increased demand for a low-skilled migrant workforce. People professionals are central to shaping the corporate approach and culture of global organisations, navigating the legal and regulatory complexities, and recruiting successfully from a diversified talent pool.

How is globalisation driving change in your organisation?

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Explore our curated content to get started

Bitesize research

Flexible working cultures – a global perspective

This article looks at flexible working arrangements across 21 countries

For Members

Thought leadership

Achieving international global integration: The crucial role of ‘globalising actors’

This thought piece argues that OD practitioners in multinationals must harness the skills of globalising actors to ensure successful international integration


The Future of Talent in Malaysia 2035

Four scenarios for the future of Malaysia in 2035 are considered here, together with the implications for the state, society, organisations and individuals


Labour Market Outlook

Read our latest Labour Market Outlook report for analysis on employers’ recruitment, redundancy and pay intentions


Employing overseas workers in the UK

This factsheet looks at recruiting overseas workers, the categories of non-UK nationals able to enter and work in the UK, and the legal framework involved.

For Members

For a summary of the key global business concerns for people professionals, read Global workforce management: current trends and considerations by Mercer.


Visit the Hackathon

Join the CIPD’s virtual Hackathon to share your thoughts on how globalisation is driving change in your organisation.

You can get involved with the debate around globalisation on Tuesday 11 August.

Next: Industrial change and organisational agility

Curated content to support the fourth trend of the CIPD’s People Profession 2030 virtual Hackathon

Continue to ‘Industrial change and organisational agility’

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Labour Market Outlook

Read our latest Labour Market Outlook report for analysis on employers’ recruitment, redundancy and pay intentions

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How employers are tackling bullying and harassment at work

Research on whether employers are doing enough to prevent and manage conflict in the workplace

People-powered innovation

The CIPD examines the state of innovation in the UK and its connection with productivity to inform policy-making and investment

Labour Market Outlook

Read our latest Labour Market Outlook report for analysis on employers’ recruitment, redundancy and pay intentions

See all reports