This guide is designed to help employers understand more about the gender pay gap and find out if they need to report on it. It provides a summary of the regulations, which organisations they apply to, and what happens if you don’t report your gender pay gap figures. It explains what the gender pay gap is, what causes it, why it needs to be tackled, and why gender pay gap reporting has been introduced.

There has been a government consultation since gender pay gap reporting was introduced, looking at mandatory reporting of ethnicity pay data and, although there is not a legal requirement, some organisations are already reporting. We strongly encourage you to also report on ethnicity pay gaps. For more information, see the CIPD guide on Ethnicity pay reporting.

The CIPD provides information on the legislation relating to gender pay gap reporting in our dedicated member resource. This legal information provided is for guidance only and if your organisation is following related legal proceedings, you should seek further legal advice from a specialist solicitor. 

For guidance on how to calculate and publish your gender pay gap report refer to our guide on calculation and publication

What is the gender pay gap?

What do I have to report and when?

Narratives and action plans

Who should perform the calculations?

What happens if an employer doesn't report on their gender pay gap?

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