This research explores the way by which organisations create value through their business model and the extent to which their stakeholders benefit from this value. It investigates the contrasting perspectives on value in organisations, the concepts of value creation and value capture, and the different models businesses can adopt to deliver value to their stakeholders.

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Questions of value cut to the heart of the purpose and outcomes of businesses and their relationships with individuals and society. The research shows that evidence on how stakeholders, such as shareholders, influence value-capture, and gain from the adoption of business models that emphasise value creation is inconclusive. There are a number of different models that may be adopted that can drive value creation and capture more effectively, however in some instances this can lead to the destruction of value.

Investigating the issues surrounding creating and capturing value work is a central issue for HR and its major stakeholders both inside and outside of organisations. There are however a number of questions regarding the tension between value creation and capture, and how management practices can be designed to reduce the impact of value-destructive practices. By locating human capital as a central driver and recipient of value in business models this report argues that good measurement and engagement with multiple stakeholders can help to inform more inclusive distribution of value, and pushes for more debate around how value creation and capture happens in practice.

By highlighting these issues this report contributes important thought leadership on the role of organisations in generating and distributing value, and who the major beneficiaries of business value should be. 

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Part 1 – Reviews the academic literature on business models and value creation

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PDF document 564.2 KB

Part 2 – Reviews existing measures of value creation and value capture

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PDF document 448.9 KB

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