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This report, produced by Towards Maturity and supported by the CIPD, presents evidence for business leaders and L&D professionals to reflect on the new world of work and workers and the expectations of the C – suite to consider why driving a ‘New Learning Organisation’ will unlock potential and lead to sustainable business results. 

This report will:

  • Highlight the new world of work and workers 
  • Summarise the expectations of the C -suite 
  • Explore Peter Senge’s original vision of the ‘Learning Organisation’ 
  • Present evidence on why a ‘New Learning Organisation’ is needed for 21st Century Business and what characteristics are required for success 
  • Share how organisations from the Towards Maturity’s Top 10% index are helping to define the 6 new learning organisation characteristics
  • Provide practical insights on how to unlock potential by driving the 6 characteristics of a new learning organisation 

Download the report below:

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