Demographic change is having and will continue to have a profound effect on the UK labour market. As older workers leave the workforce – taking with them their skills and experience – there is concern over whether there would be enough younger people entering the labour market to replace them. Employers need to recognise the potential issues they face, such as skills shortages, productivity challenges, labour shortfalls and an inability to meet customer service and production targets.

The report, Avoiding the demographic crunch: labour supply and the ageing workforce, is a collaboration between the International Longevity Centre (ILC-UK) and the CIPD. It explores the challenges for different industries of an ageing workforce and how to mitigate the risks. Data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) was analysed to explore the age profile of different industries and the extent to which industries are currently experiencing a drop-off in employment after certain ages. The report includes recommendations for employers to adapt to demographic change and ensure a stable workforce for the future.

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Avoiding the demographic crunch: Labour supply and the ageing workforce

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