The benefits of an inclusive and diverse workforce are inarguable – not just because it’s the right thing to do for social justice, but for the benefits it can bring to every business. But despite having the right policies in place, many organisations are still struggling to build inclusive workforces, and progress has been slow or stagnant. It may sound counterintuitive to use technology to address this very human issue, but using digital processes to identify biases and measure performance against organisational objectives could give I&D the boost it desperately needs.

Join Nigel Cassidy and this month’s guests – Kevin McFall, Head of Belonging, Diversity and Inclusion Solutions at Workday; Hayfa Mohdzaini, Senior Research Adviser for Data, Technology and AI at CIPD; and Dr Zara Nanu, CEO and Co-founder at GapSquare – as we explore the benefits of using technology to help organisations boost inclusion and foster a culture of employee belonging to drive business performance.

Duration: 00:32:20

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