“The people profession has the expertise and experience to help policy-makers change the world of work for the better. We need to encourage greater investment from employers in their workforces and workplaces.”

Peter Cheese, Chief Executive, CIPD

Ahead of the UK’s party-political conferences in October, and in anticipation of the next general election, the CIPD has launched a Manifesto for Good Work. Drawing on insights from the CIPD’s 160,000-strong community of people professionals, the manifesto makes the case for a joined-up, long-term workforce strategy to support a broader, bolder vision for economic growth. 

Focused on three key themes – skilled work, fair work and healthy work – the manifesto calls on the next government to implement a package of public policy reforms to tackle the UK’s challenges, improve productivity and living standards, and support the move to net zero.

We’ll be talking to policymakers and politicians about these calls over the next 12 months, starting with the upcoming party conferences, to seek to inform each of the party’s pledges ahead of the next election.

“Policy-makers will need to adopt new thinking and policies; organisations and people will need to adopt new ways of working; and we’ll all need to focus on improving job quality to support employee wellbeing, productivity and labour market participation.”

Ben Willmott, Head of Public Policy, CIPD

Skilled work 

We’re calling on policymakers to ensure the education and training system creates the skills employers need and supports the creation of more high-skilled jobs. Our recommendations include reforming the failing apprenticeship levy into a flexible skills levy. 

Healthy work 

We’re calling on the UK Government to take steps to support the development of healthy work and more harmonious and productive workplaces. Our recommendations include the creation of a single enforcement body to protect workers’ health and rights, a reform of statutory sick pay and a new taskforce to consider the potential risks of fast-moving developments in AI. 

Fair work

We’re calling on policymakers to boost labour market participation and tackle discrimination and inequalities in access to and progression in work. Our recommendations include an increase in statutory paternity leave, a review and reform of Shared Parental Leave and new requirements to include basic pay and pension information in job adverts to improve transparency and help reduce pay gaps. 

“Our manifesto, based on detailed research and direct input from our members, gives the CIPD clear themes and priorities for engagement with the main political parties in the lead-up to the next UK general election. It means at this year's party conferences, our discussions with policymakers will have both the weight of our members and a considered body of evidence to support them”.

Carl Quilliam, Public Affairs Manager, CIPD

To support our central call to improve firms’ people management capability and help boost productivity, the CIPD has also published a new report looking at UK productivity growth and people management practices.

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Policy engagement
CIPD Manifesto for Good Work

We’re calling on the UK Government to create a long-term workforce strategy centred on skilled, healthy and fair work

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Help us shape public policy

Championing better work and working lives

the CIPD

At the CIPD, we champion better work and working lives. We help organisations to thrive by focusing on their people, supporting economies and society for the future. We lead debate as the voice for everyone wanting a better world of work. 

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