There is a compelling case for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and beyond.  Organisations and people professionals have a key part to play in tackling inequality, encouraging diversity and creating an inclusive workplace culture.  

Positively, diversity and inclusion is rising up the agenda in many organisations. However, the pace of progress towards realising equality of opportunity needs to accelerate. This report outlines the evidence on diversity and inclusion at work, to help guide organisations’ efforts and galvanise action to remove barriers to equality. 

Our research and accompanying summary report discusses the key findings of our evidence review, highlighting the implications for organisations and policy makers alongside the key actions people professionals and business leaders need to take to drive change.

Finally, the technical report outlines the methodology and findings of the rapid evidence assessment the report is based on, providing detail on the scientific literature on this topic and suggestions for further research.

People professionals are in a unique position to champion the importance of an inclusive culture, and provoke sometimes difficult conversations, alongside focused intervention. We make some key recommendations for people professionals to drive change at specific points in the employee life cycle alongside wider cultural and policy considerations in the infographic below.

Use the summary to understand the main insights and practical recommendations for action.

See the technical summary for our methodology and technical information on the research and study references.

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